Sunday 11 March 2012

I’m smitten: 24 hour Cupcake ATM

(photo via 24-Hour Sprinkles)
Sprinkles Bakery in California has recently unveiled a 24 hour Cupcake Vending Machine (it looks like a pink ATM!) at their Beverly Hills location, that will allow night-owls with the munchies to select & buy any of 600 different cupcakes (made fresh daily) to be dispensed at all hours, even when the store’s closed.

(photo via HuffPost)
Of course it’s totally frivolous - I wouldn’t deny this probably makes some kind of statement about instant gratification in our society…  
But sometimes it’s a fun luxury to get exactly what you’re craving, exactly when you crave it.  Especially after a late night out. :)  And it’s a cool invention - I always seem to think of going to my local gourmet bakery on Sunday when it’s closed.
So, whaddya think, vending machine gods?  Some other items I’d love to see in a 24 hour ATM-style machine (especially in airports): band-aids, cell phone/iPod chargers, earphones, pantyhose, hand sanitizer, corkscrew/bottle-openers, and shoelaces.
Bottom line: less bombs, more cupcakes!

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