Friday 13 April 2012

I'm smitten: illustrator Wendy MacNaughton

Wendy MacNaughton's unpretentious art really serves to illustrate (ha!) how simple can be evocative and beautiful.  Amazing - how can she possibly sum up the way I want to approach life in a simple line drawing?  It's not just her art I admire - it's her direct style, her succinctness that comes through in everything she touches.  It seems like she knows the shortest path to making you laugh or cry (or a complicated mix of the two).  I have a feeling that's because she does... she's tapped in to the truth,  and the truth often elicits a visceral response.

In my own life, I'm always trying to see through the haze to the meaningful heart of things.  I don't expect smooth sailing, but I hope for clear vision.  I try to resist all the dazzling bullshit that bombards us on a daily basis, and keeps us disempowered.  Life's short - I want to really see what's going on around me, I don't want to spend it inadvertently distracted from the simple things that really matter.  I love Ms. MacNaughton's low-tech approach to art because it gives such a playful feeling of intimacy and spontaneity, but the deeper philosophical messages in it remind me to trust my instincts and refine my priorities.

For an article on the plight of Haiti:

The aptly titled Longshot Treasure Hunt:
all art by Wendy MacNaughton

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